Дата публикации : 2022.07.09
Автор:Виноградов Александр
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How to process a click before the item goes into the cart woocommerce via ajax
Sometimes there is a need to process some data or enter your own checks before a woocommerce product gets into the cart via ajax. However, the source files of the woocommerce plugin will not be affected.
To do this, we need to put our onclick event handler and make sure that our handler fires before the woocommerce handler, then we either suspend the execution of event handlers on the button or do not interfere with them if our checks are successful.
To do this, our script must be loaded before the script /plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/add-to-cart.min.js
jQuery( function( $ ) {
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '.cart .add_to_cart_button', function(event)
var err = 0;
/*Button access*/
var ajaxbutton = $(event.target);
/*Here we write our logic*/
/*End of our logic*/
// if there are errors, we prevent the click event from being processed on add_to_cart_button, i.e.
//the woocommerce script will not work*/
if (err == 1)
/*if there are no errors, the woocommerce script will work normally*/